Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obesity – A Jiva Case Study

The Jiva TeleMedicine Center has successfully treated hundreds of Obesity cases, offering long-term solutions to several patients. One such interesting case is that of Mr. Kishan Chawla (name changed), a 35-year-old Obesity patient from Jodhpur, India.

At a height of 5 foot 5 inches, Mr. Chawla weighed 92 kilos – a Body Mass Index that indicated he was overweight. He had been obese for 10 years, but had not found success with any of the treatments he had tried. He had also enrolled into one of the crash dieting programs, but the result lasted only for about six months and he started acquiring weight again. He also had off and on problems of constipation, gas formation, a feeling of lethargy, and memory loss. And, to top it all, he was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism three years back.

Mr. Chawla’s weight had become a constant source of embarrassment for him and when he called the Jiva TMC, he was all set to go under the knife for a liposuction surgery.

Jiva’s Analysis
One of Jiva’s doctors analyzed his case in detail after taking his complete medical history and symptomatic information. The doctor also helped him understand the difference between losing weight naturally and the unhealthy techniques of crash dieting, etc.

Mr. Chawla’s analysis indicated that his problem was caused by the aggravation of Kapha Dosha (Ayurvedic humor representing Water). The aggravated Kapha had led to the production of ama (toxins), which was heavy and dense in nature. Accumulation of these heavy toxins in the fat carrying channels had resulted in excessive production of fat tissues, which was the primary cause of weight gain in his case. Additionally, his digestive power was also weak, and this was the reason for constipation and gas formation in his body.

The Treatment
Ayurveda works on the root cause of disease by personalizing treatment according to the patient’s body type. In Mr. Chawla’s case, the root cause was aggravated Kapha. So, the treatment focused on pacification of Kapha through customized herbal medicines, dietary guidelines and lifestyle recommendations. Secondly, the treatment worked on cleansing the fat carrying channels by eliminating accumulated toxins. Because the patient had a weak digestion, he was also administered Deepan and Pachan treatment aimed at enhancing his digestive fire. In addition to this, he was given nervine tonics for relaxation of mind.

The Result
Within two months of treatment, Mr. Chawla lost eight kilos of weight. His problem of constipation and gas formation was cured completely. He also started feeling active and confident about himself. He is continuing with the medication to lower his weight further and keep it under control.

“I was ready for a liposuction surgery to cut down my excess fat when someone recommended Jiva to me. The best part about my Ayurvedic treatment was that it was personalized to my specific needs. The medicines, diet and lifestyle recommended to me helped in losing eight kilos in just two months. Today, I can confidently recommend Ayurveda to all Obesity patients.”

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